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2023: The year of Freedom & Being Seen

And just like that 2023 is here! I don't know about y'all but I am astonished that we are already in the new year! One of my favorite things to do as we wrap up one year and begin with another is to reflect on the outgoing year- look at it all, the good, the not so good, the teachings, the learning, the triumphs, the truths. From there I like to look at the year ahead, where do I want to transform, what do I want to accomplish, to manifest, to achieve. From what comes up there that is where my words for the year are born as well as my vision board. I thought it would be fun to take y'all with me this year as I work though this and I challenge you to do the same!

Looking at 2022 my words that I chose for the year was Be Present, Be Vulnerable. In reflecting on this year, I can honestly say I have gotten better at both of these.

Be Present- living in the present moment-- not worrying about the past, not getting too caught up in the future. There are days that this is easier than others but overall, I feel accomplished here-- There is an energy tool that I use when I am feeling that I am not fully present. I center and ground myself-- then I close my eyes bring myself into my 6th chakra, my 3rd eye and ask " how much of my energy is in the past" the 1st number that comes to mind is the amount of my energy tied up in the past. I then ask a similar question " how much of my energy is in the future" the first number that comes to mind is the amount of energy thinking about future events. I then call my energy back to the present moment, breathe and release the past and future. This has been such a game changer for me. Even just today I did this exercise because my energy was tied up thinking about a conversation that I need to have, and I knew it was stressing me out. I did this exercise and brought myself back to the present moment.

Back to my words, Be Vulnerable another word I feel good about. This was the year of becoming comfortable in my own skin, my beauty, my uniqueness, my gifts. This has also had its ups and downs, but I feel I have grown into this word so much. I then started to journal- I like to create a list of things that I am proud of this year-no matter how big or how small, these are things that I AM PROUD OF! I have been doing this exercise for years and I like to look back on the previous years to see how much I have grown...I can say my list this year is the longest that it has been since I began doing this! Some of the highlights off of my 2022 lists of accomplishments:

  • Began & Completed Manifestation Babe Academy with

  • Rode over 100 rides on my Peloton

  • Created and launched my website:

  • Puerto Rico Vacation- complete with a 2-story penthouse- snorkeling off the catamaran, ATVs in the rainforest, my son experiencing deep sea fishing

  • Many trips to Sedona each with different people I love and adore

  • Being invited in to conduct a Human Design session on 8 executives in the hospitality industry

  • Beautiful flower garden in my back yard- this was HUGE for me because I have not had success with growing flowers!

  • Started this blog!

  • Girls trip to Austin with my daughter

  • A trip to Savannah and the Georgia coast that manifested in less than 3 weeks with my soul little brother!

  • Two articles published about my journey of human design and energy healing

  • Always learning & growing-- Reiki Certifications, Crystal Healing Certifications, Emotion Code Practitioner

  • Being able to meditate for over 45 minutes at a time

  • Supporting my son as he played his senior year of football

  • And so much more... the list I came up with this year had 34 items on it!

I now challenge you---make your list of 2022-- what are YOU proud of accomplishing?!

From here I then make a list of the challenges of 2022, what things did I desire that has not manifested yet, lessons I learned, feelings I left. This is equally important to do as we need as growth comes from lessons. For me it's good to write things down to see what is still manifesting-- what things I learned because one of the lessons I learned this year is everything will unfold in divine timing...even though you WANT something now does not mean that now is the right time for it to happen. I not going to dwell in on a couple big manifestations I am working on, but just know I have already envisioned the exact blog post announcing it!! Some of the lessons I learned this year:

  • Emotions, emotions, emotions. Even though I know I am a defined emotional in human design, my emotional wave can still get the best of me. I am continuously learning to embrace the lows as much as I embrace the highs.

  • Sickness is dis-ease in the body. 4th quarter was incredibly tough for me health wise, getting bronchitis, then COVID and then a stomach bug (can I tell you how fun it is when a stomach bug appears Christmas Eve and is still here!!) Instead of hating being sick back-to-back to back, I am seeing the lesson in rest, seeing how emotions are tied to dis-ease, and releasing emotions around the sickness completely helps!

  • Releasing control has been a BIG lesson this year. It is teaching me to TRUST. This year gave me one of my favorite affirmations- if it is out of my control, then it is out of my head!

Looking at 2022 as a whole the words that come to mind is learning & growth- this is what 2022 gave to me. I now challenge you, what lessons did 2022 teach you?

Okay! Now that we have reflected on 2022 it is time to plan for 2023! As I was reflecting on the previous year and thinking about my big rock items for 2023 my words came to me... I have actually been playing with them for a couple of weeks, but I know more than ever these are my words for 2023: FREEDOM & I AM SEEN. 2022 was about me seeing and being confident in who I am, 2023 is all about being me and having the world see me in everything that makes me, me. Freedom-- there are some amazing manifestations tied to this, this I will say, I am free to live life according to ME, to how I see the world! What words are YOU resonating with for 2023?

I created my vision board last night. I create my board on Canva- its free and an absolutely amazing app. I set my lock screen on my phone there I always see it and whether or not I consciously look at it I know that it's there! Below are my 2023 & 2022 vision boards:

magic by design HD Gina Leingang human design

magic by design hd gina leingang energy healing

No matter what your goals are for 2023 I know that this is going to be a monumental year- the key to all of this, is when we are aligned with what our hearts desire, when we are doing things that light us up, when we are working on ourselves to consistently align with the best people, we can be our opportunities are endless! I would love to know--what were your biggest accomplishments of 2022? What are your words and vision for 2023? Do you have a new year ritual, if so, what is it? I would love comments on this entry, or you can tag me on social media as well-- cheers to an AMAZING 2023!!

This quote resonated with me today, just as long as YOU believe in yourself, ANYTHING Is possible! "Ignore anyone who says you can't, especially yourself"

xoxo gina marie

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