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Energy Healing

Release energy that is no longer serving you through nourishing energy healing practices with Gina.


What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing—the best way for me to describe it is helping to bring balance to your mind, to your body and to your soul.


Everything is energy, we are energy. As we move through life, on our journeys we pick up energetic baggage that becomes lodged within our energy fields. This baggage can be a negative emotion, an absorbed emotion that is consumed along the way, even an inherited limiting belief that has been carried in your lineage for generations.


This baggage can create blocks and the blocks manifest into your daily life. Blocks can look like a limiting belief; feeling and believing that you are not good enough. A feeling of uncomfortableness, a creative block, a money block, a negative attitude when deep down you know that’s just not “you”. Blocks can also manifest into physical ailments, pain, or uncomfortableness within your physical body. During a session we work with your energy field to release blocks to help you continue the journey of your life!


Energy healing is simply releasing stagnant energy that can weigh us down, that can create blocks that manifest into our daily lives.


How it Works

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Establish your Goal

​We will discuss what the goal that we want to achieve during the session—do you have a specific objective that you want to release emotions on or focus on overall balancing of the mind, body and soul. 


Meditation and Balance

Once we create the plan for the session, I will lead you into a short meditation to ground the mind, body and soul.


Release Trapped Emotions & Stagnant Energy

I will work as a channel as we work together to release emotions & beliefs that are no longer needed. There is no need to relive the emotion, we simply acknowledge and release. We will end the session with another short meditation to complete release of the emotions.

Energy Healing FAQs

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Ready to let go of energy that doesn't serve you?

Book an energy healing session with Gina to get back into alignment with your true self.

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